Saturday, April 17, 2010

Daddy, what happened?

     I was Primary Two. My mother had gone to Malaysia for a business trip. I was going to school like any other day. My father had sent me there that day; it was kind of special since it was my childcare that did that. I was touched as my father was usually very busy and didn’t have time to send me to school, as my school was during the afternoon. On the way to school in his car, I chatted with my father about school life and other things. I really, and truly, enjoyed the short car ride to school. Then, my father told me that that night, and he would be home to cook dinner. I was elated as my father hardly came home for dinner for he had to work long hours as a manager and he also hardly cooked for us. When I reached school, my father said goodbye to me and waved to me with a huge smile on his face. It brightened my day. I was a lot more cheery that day.

     After school, my father was supposed to pick me up from school and my brother from the childcare. Surprisingly, my father’s friend picked us up instead. We were informed that my father had a ‘fall’. Being street smart, my brother knew that my father would have come even if he fell, so he knew that my father was injured. But he didn’t say anything to the friend that picked us up, he only told me. We stayed at my grandmother’s house until my mother came back and fetched us home. My mother then told us what actually had happened, my father got into a car accident. I was devastated and worried so I immediately started crying. “Please Mummy! Let me visit Daddy. Please!” I whined at my mother. My brother, surprisingly, was quiet and didn’t say anything. I knew that he too, was sad.

     A few days later, which I clearly remember was my brother’s birthday; my mother took us to see my father. He was hospitalised in the ICU. I didn’t know what it meant but my mother said it was for patients in a critical condition. All my relatives were outside the ward. I was worried for my father, I urged my mother to let me see him. When I reached the ICU, I saw my father lying on the bed looking very weak. My brother was too afraid to look at him. They didn’t allow children to go into the ICU; all we could do was watch from outside. I was absolutely helpless without my father with me for eight months. I did not want anything to happen to him. That was my saddest experience and I’m glad my father’s okay now.

yet another sad story,10:43 PM


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