Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sarah- Hammy

        It was an average day after school as I struggled with my heavy school bag and slumped into the back seat of my parent’s car. The moment I got into the car a strong gust of cold air was blasted into my face. I felt strangely lighted headed as I closed my eyes to relieve my brain and muscles of a hard day’s work.
       When I opened my eyes, I realized that both my parents were staring at me. “How were your test results?” my mother questioned me. Realisation dawned on me, when I realised that my mother had asked me the question, which I had been dreading for over a week. “Oh! Not too bad. I… I just failed three common tests.” I replied back nervously, stuttering over my words. To my utmost surprise, my mother did not reprimand me but just nodded her head and continued smiling. I was extremely relieved as I was expecting her to start screaming at me and comparing me to my perfect sister, as usual.  “I have bad news for you. Guess what it is.” my mother suddenly said in her fake cheery tone. The first thing that came to my mind was that my favourite two-year old hamster, Hammy, was dead. Refusing to accept the rather obvious plain truth, I feigned innocence and asked my mother, “What’s the bad news?” After much persuasion, my mother finally told me to call my sister whom was at home. “ Hammy’s dead.” My sister replied in a monotone voice after I demanded to know the answer. I hung up the phone without realising. I was paralyzed for a few seconds.
      “ Hammy’s dead! No, he’s not! He can’t be! I didn’t even get to say goodbye to him.” I whispered to myself, not wanting to believe the plain truth. Little did I realize that tears were streaming down my face. I hurriedly rubbed the tears on my face with the back of my hand, as I did not want my parents to see me crying. Memories of the time my hamster was alive flashed through my mind. How Hammy used to lick my fingers if there were crumbs with his tiny red tongue, fall asleep when I massaged his head, drag his cotton around his cage and rub his face with his tiny little pink hands when I carried him. Hammy was special to me, he was different from most hamsters in the peculiar way he behaved and to me he was part of my family. Now to whom am I going to share my joy and sorrows to?  I tried to recall the last time I saw Hammy. I was carrying him the day before and he urinated on my hand. Infuriated, I roughly dumped him back into his cage. I would give almost anything to get Hammy back.
    “We’re home!” a voice, which belonged to my father, boomed in my ear awaking me from my daze. I forced a smile and got out of the car. The moment I got home, I put on plastics gloves and gently lifted deceased Hammy. He looked peaceful as if he had fallen into a deep sleep even though he felt ice cold. “I’m sorry you had to go. You led a long and peaceful life, bye bye. I love you Hammy.” I whispered into his ears, my voice barely audible.
     The day Hammy passed away is the saddest day of my life. He died on 25 March 2010. I will never forget Hammy.  

yet another sad story,8:58 PM


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