Sunday, April 18, 2010

Those memories: Always cherished, never forgotten

It was the last day of primary school for us, the Primary sixes. The weather, much like our feelings, was dark and gloomy, occasionally letting out a moaning, sad howl of wind every now and then. Back in the school hall, it was the very last period of the year, and all the primary sixes were gathered there for free period before the final goodbye.

The hall was as noisy as a fish market, and the whole time, sad voices would ring throughout the hall, the volume amplified by the echo of the large hall as the voices bounced against the hollow walls. I, was standing with my classmates, was trying very hard to be brave, and to enjoy my last period with my friends to the fullest. Unfortunately, time shot by like an arrow and soon, the dismissal bell rang. Tension was palpable in the hall as the final chime of the bell rang through the hall. “Dingggg…..!”

Everyone in the hall remained silent, probably like me, wishing that this was all a dream, and that our Primary school journey was not over yet. However, reality hit me like a bucket of cold water, and uncontrollably, silent, sad tears began to roll down the sides of my face. My best friend quickly pulled me in for a close hug, kindly offering me a shoulder to cry on. Perhaps her action touched me so much that I began to cry even harder, and this caused my best friend to start crying too. Soon enough, like a chain effect, the whole cohort was crying and hugging one another, sniffling and blubbering out their goodbyes. The rain outside poured down even harder, and our sad cries grew even louder. Although I knew we would surely keep in touch with one another, I knew it would never be the same again, not like it was now anyway. I would not be sitting beside the same person again, no matter how annoying she may be, nor be in the same class as my friends.

Just when I was saying my goodbyes to my teachers, my mother called, saying that she wanted me home. Reluctant to leave, I slowly packed my things up, trying as hard as I could to remember my surroundings and all the wonderful memories I had in there, all the way from a tiny age of seven till twelve. Leaving the school gates, I turned back just one last time, before I stepped out of the school. Sad as I may have been, I knew one thing deep down: CHIJ Katong Primary may no longer be my school the following year, but I knew it would always remain in my heart. Forever.

Lorraine Tan

yet another sad story,5:42 AM


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