Sunday, April 18, 2010

Vanessa's saddest experience. (That I can remember)

Genre: Personal Recount

Title: Sadness

“One, two... three” the voice is fading from my head. My arms were becoming numb as I struggled to do the tenth pull up. I did eleven pull ups in the end. I had gotten a C grade, I was elated. “Gain momentum girl,” someone muttered. I took a swift jump and I jumped 180cm with ease for standing broad jump, that was an A. This is good I thought, at this rate I would be able to get a gold for NAPFA. I felt the stretch in my calves and the urge to bend my knees. I fought the burning sensation and stretched as far as I possibly could. My second try could not push it further. My result was 39cm, a B. “All the way all the way!” Mr Lee shouted. Mr Lee said “10.9, A”. I thought to myself. My last challenge, sit-ups. I tried to push that thought to the back of my mind that I could not reach the C mark.

“...Fourteen, fifteen” Shirley exclaimed. Sixteen... My heart raced. I tried once. Stretching to touch my knees. Reaching 3cm towards my knees, I ran out of strength. I tried once more, putting in more strength. My face was like a cherry tomatoe. Panting, I pulled myself up once more. Before I could reach my knee, I heard a monotone voice “Time's up”. My determination to get a gold award for NAPFA was like a block of ice on hot blistering dessert sands.

As I walked towards the chart which told us the requirements to get a certain grade, my jaw dropped to my feet. I fought back the tears as to not worry my friends. Disappointment engulfed me. I could not believe that I had gold award last year and I could not get it this year. I reminisced that during my primary school NAPFA test, my friends were encouraging me a lot. I was touched to tears by that. When I almost tried to give up, they screamed really loudly in my ears. Telling me to persevere. That I could do it. The thought that I did not receive any encouragement from the class in Cedar really made me sad. I realise the importance of encouraging the heart. One of the five practices of Cedar.

My CCA training in primary school was so much relaxed. Now it is more vigorous and tough. I thought that doing sit-ups would be no sweat. We trained our core muscles every training. It was arduous. We had to hold it for a whole minute.

Even Rasveen did five more sit-ups than me. That unbelieveable fact made me glum and gloomy. “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” an inspiring quote by Christopher Reeve. I will definitely persevere to train my core muscles and get an A next time. I know I definitely can...

yet another sad story,6:37 AM


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